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Harry Carter and Bob Rafferty

As many of you know we were looking for 1 - 2 additional Admins!!! You guys can't imagine how much work it is to run a league like this and how much work and time Brian Herbert, Alan Palmer, Scott Hanisch and Chris Clark ( every 5 weeks 3 hours) put in DPFL to help you to get the best experience and help out wherever we can…and as well to grow the community !!!

Coming up with new ideas, Events, Sponsors, all the Streams and more what's going on behind the scenes…it's just ridiculous

Well we found our two new guys !!!


Both have experience in the way we run things, they also run and support a lot of events in their area!!!

I'm pretty sure we will have both of them during the next streams with us..

We are happy to have you on board and happy to support you as well!!!

BTW to everybody 4 HOURS LEFT TO SIGN UP FOR SEASON 6 over 510 player so far !!!

Here is the link to sign up:

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